Healthy Living

Positive Thinking and Lead Healthy Life
  • Take enough sleep.
  • Take deep breaths.
  • Take 33% less food and drink more water.
  • Take enough care in all your doings.
  • Try to understand your body, mind and soul mechanism and co-relate them.
  • Try to think positively.
  • Try to do everything in your life aesthetically.
  • Try to spend 30 minutes with family.
  • Try to do prayer and mediation.
  • Try to avoid bad habits.
  • Try to love honesty.
  • Always be an optimist.
  • Think and Grow Rich
  • First time in the world, T-AYU-HM inhabit more then 65% sickle RBC, which gives a quality life to sicklier.

  • Reduce the mortality rate in sicklier, which are higher then AIDS and CANCER.

  • Reduce medical expenses, which is blessings to socio-economic affected sicklier.

  • Sickle Care

    Sickle cell disease is an inherited disorder of the red blood cells. The blood cells are defective and turn into a "sickled" shape after they release their oxygen intended to nourish vital organs and tissues. The sickled cells bond and stick to the walls the blood vessels and impede the flow of blood. The main symptom of this disease is pain – severe pain and daily chronic pain – that can happen in any part of the body.Although there is no simple cure for sickle cell disease, it can be managed with medical care.

    Full care for sickle cell disease means using many different approaches, including holistic care and a team of professionals that include a hematologist(s) with a sickle cell expertise. The type of care that addresses both medical and psychosocial needs of the patient has been shown to be the best in providing quality healthcare and overall management for a life-long disease.

    We begin with education. It is our goal to educate each patient about the disease and how best to manage his or her pain symptoms and medication, and how to better understand how sickle cell affects the body and overall health. We find out what patients do and do not know and educate or re-educate them.

    Avoiding complications is important, for example, treating a fever quickly with antibiotics. This prevents death from serious infections. Drinking fluids, especially water, can avoid dehydration, which is a strong trigger for a cell to "sickle."

    We also take patients' history and document their genetic relationship to their parents to get a good look of how the disease was passed. We also let them know the risk of them passing the gene to their children. People with sickle cell disease inherit one gene from their mother and one from their father.

    We do an extensive review of all organ systems and look for sickle-related complications that are often silent or hidden, such as retina changes in the back of the eye and kidney damage. This lets us offer early interventions that delay the disease and avoid organ damage. If a complication is found, patients are offered information on treatments that are available and an individual care plan is developed for each patient. Patients can also participate in research targeted to sickle complications.

    Patients with sickle cell disease can also acquire any other disease such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, cancer and obesity. Sickle cell patients can often be anemic, meaning they don't have a lot of energy, so they can also be at risk for complications of chronic severe anemia as they age. Because of this and many other reasons, it is very important to have a network of consultants from different medical specialties collaborate with the patient's hematologist and sickle cell program.

    Pain management

    Although sickle cell crises can be distressing, most episodes can be managed at home.

    Over-the-counter painkillers, such as paracetamol, can be used to control symptoms of mild pain. Always follow the dosage instructions and ensure the recommended amount isn't exceeded.

    If your child's pain is more troublesome, your GP may prescribe stronger painkillers, which usually contain a combination of paracetamol and codeine.

    Other ways of easing your child's pain are described below.

    • Ensure that your child has plenty to drink. Fluids help thin the blood and clear out the sickle cells that are clogging the blood vessels.
    • Place your child in a warm bath. Make sure that the water isn't too hot and don't let it get too cold because changes in temperature could trigger another crisis.
    • Use a warm towel or a heated pad to gently massage the affected body part. Many pharmacists sell electrical pads that can be used for this purpose.
    • Use suitable distractions. For example, reading them a story, watching a film or playing their favourite computer game will help to take their mind off the pain.

    If your child's pain is severe, take them to your family doctor.

    Hospital treatment for a painful episode is usually only needed if the pain is uncontrolled or there's no access to analgesia (pain relieving medication).

    Once your child has been admitted to hospital, they may need to stay in for several days until their pain has been effectively controlled.

    This can usually be achieved by trying a number of different pain relief medications and carrying out regular assessments to help determine how effective each medication has been.

    The treatment should take into account the needs and preferences of the individual and, where possible, they or you should be given the opportunity to make informed decisions about their treatment and care.

    Severe pain can be treated by giving your child injections of a strong opiate-based painkiller, such as morphine.

    Some parents are concerned that regular use of opiate-based painkillers will cause their child to become addicted. Your specialist or staff at the treatment clinic will carefully regulate the dosage to minimise the chances of addiction.

    People with sickle cell anaemia are no more likely to become addicted to opiates than anyone else.

    Reducing the risk of infection

    Due to the increased risk of developing serious infections, such as meningitis, it's recommended that children take daily doses of antibiotics, usually penicillin. If your child is allergic to penicillin, an alternative antibiotic, such as erythromycin, can be used.

    Ideally, your child should take penicillin for the rest of their life or, at the very least, until they reach adulthood. The long-term use of penicillin won't pose any risks to your child's health.

    It's vitally important that your child's vaccinations are up to date. As well as the routine childhood vaccinations, such as meningitis C and tetanus, your child will probably need some additional vaccinations, such as an annual flu vaccination and the hepatitis B vaccine.

    As children with sickle cell anaemia often require blood transfusions, there's a small risk that they could develop blood-borne viruses, such as hepatitis B. The hepatitis B vaccination will prevent this.

    Reducing the risk of a stroke

    A stroke is one of the most serious complications of sickle cell anaemia. Reducing the risk of a stroke will be an important part of your child's treatment.

    Your child's risk of a stroke can be assessed using a test known as a transcranial doppler (TCD) scan. The scan uses ultrasound to measure the blood flow through the brain. A fast blood flow could be caused by narrowed blood vessels that are clogged by abnormal red blood cells. This is a major risk factor for having a stroke.

    If your child is diagnosed with sickle cell anaemia, it's recommended that they have an annual TCD scan from the age of three.

    The results of the scan will show whether your child has a high, moderate, or low risk of having a stroke. If the results show a high or moderate risk, a further TCD scan will be carried out within two months.

    If the results of the second scan still indicate a high stroke risk, regular blood transfusions to improve blood supply to the brain will usually be recommended.